May 9, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

 I would like to wish all of you mothers a very happy, special and loving day.  Mother's Day is more than just a hallmark holiday.  It is a time to honor and celebrate the women among us who sacrifice what they want for our good; work at home and out; feed us; cook for us; drive many miles taking and picking up from school, lessons, practices; nurture us in every way; nurse us when we are sick; clean up after us; shop for us; teach us the lessons we need to become good adults; love us unconditionally; feel each of our hurts like it is their own; and so much more.

Mother's Day is bittersweet for me.  I am proud to call myself a mother and count myself among the special club of Mothers.  I celebrate all that I do and have done as a mother.  I celebrate my beautiful friends and clients who are mothers and who I have described above.  But, I also miss my own mother terribly on Mother's Day.  She died almost four years ago and I have spent the past few Mother's Days (and many other days in between) celebrating what gifts she bestowed upon me, but also feeling sad that I will never share another word or hug with her, and she will not ever guide me again in my role as a mother.  I am lucky because I have a kind, understanding and loving mother in law as well as a lovely new step mother (still sounds strange to say) who love me and provide the guidance that would make my own mother proud.  So, this Mother's Day I will give thanks for them, express my gratitude to them and remember my own mother's gifts.

The mothers you see here are beautiful inside and out and give so much to their children as well as those around them.  They, along with many more beautiful mothers, will be featured in my new book, A Celebration of Motherhood, which is due out in October.  Stay tuned for details and remember to give all the Moms in your life a hug and a kind word, and maybe let them sleep in a bit this Mother's Day!  I know that I will be sleeping in for sure!

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